AGS Bible Quiz
Increase your knowledge and understanding of the scripture
1 / 50
Who was Samuel’s mother? (1 Samuel 1:19-20)
2 / 50
What animal did Samson kill with his bear hands? (Judges 4:5-6)
3 / 50
Which of the following did Naomi say the Almighty had brought upon her? (Ruth 1:20-21)
4 / 50
Who was Naomi’s husband? (Ruth 1:2)
5 / 50
Who are the 3 sons of Noah?
6 / 50
How often did The Most High say to Joshua to meditate on “Book of the Law”? (Joshua 1:6-9)
7 / 50
While fleeing from his son Absalom, what did David order to be done with the ark of the covenant? (2 Samuel 15:25-26)
8 / 50
The Lord’s hand was heavy on the people of Ashdod and its vicinity; he brought devastation on them and afflicted them with__? (1 Samuel 5:6)
9 / 50
According to the scripture, on which day was man created?
10 / 50
What name was meant to be given to Solomon by The Most High through His prophet Nathan? (2 Samuel 12:25)
11 / 50
Who did Samuel anoint as the first king of the Israelites? (1 Samuel 9:17)
12 / 50
After David was anointed king of Judah, who was made king of Israel? (2 Samuel 2:8-11)
13 / 50
Who was the first of the judges The Most High raised up to save Israel? (Judges 3:8-11)
14 / 50
What was to happen to a child who cursed his mother or father? (Leviticus 20:9)
15 / 50
In ancient Israel what was the method of legalizing transactions? (Ruth 4:7)
16 / 50
According to the scripture, whose name was changed to Israel after an encounter with an angel?
17 / 50
Where did Hannah present Samuel before the Lord? (1 Samuel 1:24)
18 / 50
According to the scripture, what are the two great lights created?
19 / 50
According to the scripture, what has been given to us as meat?
20 / 50
Whose bones did Moses take with him when he left Egypt?
21 / 50
Why were Aaron and the children of Israel afraid to come near Moses? (Exodus 34:30)
22 / 50
For how long could one eat from a fellowship offering before it was unclean? (Leviticus 19:5-7)
23 / 50
How many pairs of every kind of clean animal, did Noah take into the ark?
24 / 50
What did Ruth’s mother-in-law change her name to? (Ruth 1:20)
25 / 50
Samuel took a stone and set it up at a place between Mizpahand Shen. What name did he give to the place? (1 Samuel 7:12)
26 / 50
What did Abimelek scatter over the city of Shechem after he had destroyed it? (Judges 9:45)
27 / 50
Who struck down 600 Philistines with an oxgoad? (Judges 3:31)
28 / 50
Who stood his ground and struck down the Philistines till his hand grew tired and froze to the sword? (2 Samuel 23:10)
29 / 50
16. What was Moses carrying when he came down the mountain? (Exodus 8:15)
30 / 50
Ruth was King David’s__? (Ruth 4:18-22)
31 / 50
Who did the Israelites consecrate to guard the ark of the covenant after it was returned by the Philistines? (1 Samuel 7:1-2)
32 / 50
What instrument did Gideon use to summon followers when the spirit of the Lord came upon him? (Judges 6:34)
33 / 50
The oldest man recorded in the scripture lived for 969 years. Who was this man?
34 / 50
Who is the only female judge mentioned in the Bible? (Judges 4:4-5)
35 / 50
What did the Israelites ask Samuel for when they came to him at Ramah? (1 Samuel 8:4-5)
36 / 50
What type of tree did Absalom get caught in while fleeing from King David’s army? (2 Samuel 18:9-10)
37 / 50
After Sarah died, who did Abraham marry?
38 / 50
After the death of Joshua, which tribe did God send first to fight the Canaanites? (Judges 1:1-2)
39 / 50
10. What were priests forbidden to drink in the tent of meeting? (Leviticus 10:8-9)
40 / 50
What name did Ruth give her son? (Ruth 4:17)
41 / 50
How many years did David reign as king over Israel? (1 Kings 2:11-12)
42 / 50
In what year after planting a tree were the Israelite’s allowed to eat its fruit? (Leviticus 19:23-25)
43 / 50
Which inhabitants of the land of Canaan did Joshua make a treaty with? (Joshua 9:16-18)
44 / 50
Who made the golden calf for the children of Israel to worship in the wilderness?
45 / 50
Who is Lot to Abraham?
46 / 50
How old was Joshua when he died? (Joshua 24:29)
47 / 50
What did Samson use to kill a thousand Philistines? (Judges 15:14-15)
48 / 50
Whom did The Most High regret making the king over His people, because he did not carry out His instructions? (1 Samuel 15:10-11)
49 / 50
Who was Abraham’s father? (Joshua 24:2)
50 / 50
How many foxes did Samson use to destroy the Philistine fields? (Judges 15:4-5)
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