My destiny helper don see me where i dey tell okada man to keep the change🥺
Them steal our mandate, dem say make we go court, we go court, court come give us uppercut😂😂😂Obidients wetin dey sub naa😂
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I left home to feed home don call say them wail bill garri for him🤣🤣
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Dem break your heart you dey reject food, how you want take get strength cry😄
Congratulations to Nnolim Emmanuel for winning the previous quiz 👏.
Trivia Question ⁉️ What is the reserved currency of the world?Which currency has the highest value/exchange rate?Which language is the most populous and most used in the world?Rush and answer to get 2k.Just login. Answer and win 2k daily 👏
1,The dollar has been the world’s principal reserve currency since the end of World War II and is the most widely used currency for international trade. High global demand for dollars allows the United States to borrow money at a lower cost and use currency as a tool of diplomacy, but that comes with drawbacks.
2,The Kuwaiti Dinar (KWD) is the…
1,The US dollar is widely considered to be the world’s reserve currency, meaning it’s the currency that many countries around the world use to conduct international trade and finance. The US dollar is also the most widely held and used currency in the world, and it’s the official currency of several countries, including the United States, Panama,…
1,the us dollar is the reserved currency in the world
2,Kuwait dinar has the highest value all around the globe
3, English is the most populous and most used language in the world because it aids in international business
Congratulations to Nnolim Emmanuel for winning the previous quiz 👏. Trivia Question ⁉️ ⁉️ Let’s know politicians in Nigeria 🇳🇬 😉 Who is the first and only catholic priest to become a state governor in Nigeria and his state?Who is/will be the first lady of the said state?Rush and answer to win 2k 😇Just login, answer and win 2k daily 👏 👌 😇…
1,The first and only Catholic priest to become a state governor in Nigeria was Patrick Yakowa, who served as the governor of Kaduna State from 2011 until his death in 2012. Born in 1950, Patrick Yakowa was ordained as a priest in 1981 and served in various roles within the Catholic Church before entering politics. He was elected governor of Kaduna…
1,Very Rev. Fr. Moses Orshio Adasu (12 June 1945 – 20 November 2005) became governor of Benue State, Nigeria on 2 January 1992, elected on the Social Democratic Party (SDP) platform.
Moses Orshio Adasu, a Nigerian Catholic priest who was appointed as the military governor of Benue State in 1985. However, there is no accurate information about the… -
1,Patrick Yakowa is the only Catholic priest to have served as a governor of a Nigerian state. He was appointed as the military governor of Kaduna State in 1998, and served until 1999 when the military government handed over power to an elected civilian government. After his term, he returned to his work as a priest and served as the bishop of the…Read More
1,Moses Orshio Adasu was a Nigerian Catholic priest and military governor. He was born on September 1, 1939, in Ochadamu, Kogi State, Nigeria. After completing his primary and secondary education, he studied philosophy and theology at the Bigard Memorial Seminary in Enugu. He was ordained as a Catholic priest in 1963, and then went on to study at…
I appreciate your response bro but Mosew Adasu was appointed military governor, not democratically elected.
Thanks for your response but you’re wrong.
I wanted to send i love you to my girlfriend and i mistakenly sent it to my landlady, and she replied i love you too, stop paying house rentMe-👇
Congratulations to Nnolim Emmanuel for winning the previous quiz 👏 Trivia Question ⁉️ ⁉️ Who are the indigenous Americans?Who discovered America?Rush and answer to get 2k.Just login, answer and win 2k daily.
1,Native Americans, sometimes called American Indians, First Americans or Indigenous Americans, are the Indigenous peoples of the United States or portions thereof, such as American Indians from the contiguous United States and Alaska Natives. The United States Census Bureau defines Native American as “all people indigenous to the United States…
1,The term “indigenous Americans” refers to the original inhabitants of North and South America, who were living on the continent long before the arrival of Europeans. This includes a wide range of different groups and cultures, such as the Inuit, Aleut, and Yupik peoples of the Arctic, the Navajo and Apache peoples of the American Southwest, the…Read More
I tried indomie and egg for breakfast, i vomited everything😎garri don master me😄
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Nah you jonse🤣