Motivation provides the initial push to start working towards your goals, but it’s commitment that sustains your efforts and keeps you going, even when challenges arise.💯💯📌
Desire is the key to motivation, but it’s determination and commitment to an unrelenting pursuit of your goal – a commitment to excellence – that…Read More
LAWYER: Now woman, tell us exactly what
happened, resulting in you kīllīng your own
WOMAN: Hmmm my Lord, Lawyer, on that fateful
day, I was watching T.V. in the sitting room
when my husband came back from town. He
rūshed me and drāgged me unto the bed in the
bedroom. He then laid on top of me and started
romāncing me: fønd…Read More -
Doughnuts 😋
• 3 cups of flour
• 2 tablespoons of butter
• 7 grams of baker’s yeast
• 5 tablespoons of sugar
• 1 cup of milk
• 1 egg
• ½ teaspoon of salt
Recipe in c.o.m.m.e.n.t.s ⬇️👇👇👇1 Comment -
You have the power to shape your relationship with time and determine whether it works in your favor or against you.💯💯
Those who are clear about their objectives and committed to maximizing their productivity can leverage time as an ally, allowing them to make progress towards their goals and fulfill their…Read More
You have the power to shape your relationship with time and determine whether it works in your favor or against you.💯💯
Those who are clear about their objectives and committed to maximizing their productivity can leverage time as an ally, allowing them to make progress towards their goals and fulfill their…Read More
Let see how smart you are
Elginny Utonwa posted
Egusi soup
4 cups Egusi
3 cooking spoons red palm oil
Beef: best cut and Shaki (cow tripe)
Fish: dry fish and stockfish
2 tablespoons ground crayfish
Pepper and Salt (to taste)
Vegetable: pumpkin leaves, spinach or bitter leaf
3 small stock cubes
1 small ogiri okpei (optional)Note: You may need more palm oil; You want the quantity…Read More
Let see how smart you are
*TUESDAY MOTIVATION*Many people lead lives that fall short of their full potential, either by conforming to societal expectations, succumbing to fear or doubt, or simply lacking the confidence to pursue their dreams wholeheartedly.📌📌Each person has unique talents, strengths, and opportunities waiting to be realized, and each one of us has the…Read More
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