HOW TO SURVIVE THIS CURRENT SITUATION IN NIGERIA1. Don’t take it personally, it’s a general problem affecting everybody. Don’t go and be displaying your nakedness in the bank, those who did didn’t get shishi.2. Suspend all your projects for now until things normalize. Don’t kill yourself because you have set a target for yourself.3. The most important thing now is feeding and health. It’s not bad if you touch your savings at this time to survive.4. Reduce going about to places that are not very important. 5. Stop the unnecessary show of affluence and you don’t have to impress anyone now. If you cannot maintain your standard please reduce it for now. If you don’t eat meat this time you won’t die.6. Avoid bad and shocking news if you can, especially if you already have high blood pressure. Instead listen to good music, watch comedies and laugh out stress.7. This is not the time to forsake God or get discouraged in serving God. In fact this is the time to serve God more8. Always know that this time will still come and pass like CORONA VIRUS etc. Don’t kill yourself because your tomorrow is far better than your today.We will conquer this one too by the special grace of God, AmenALWAYS KNOW THAT TOUGH TIMES NEVER LAST BUT TOUGH PEOPLE LIKE YOU AND I DO.Wishing us all a wonderful weekend ahead.
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