The mist difficult thing is the decision to act, the rest is merely tenacity
Sorry to sayBeing a good person doesn’t get you loved but it gets u used
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Opportunity don’t happen, you create them.
It’s not the years in your life that counts, it’s the life in your years
Congratulations to Collins Godson for winning the previous quiz👏Trivia Quiz⁉️Today’s wuiz is very simple 🤌Choose the correct pronunciation of this car brand “BMW”1) BEE EM VEE2) BEE EM DOUBLE YOURush and answer to win 5h dailyJust login,answer and win 5h daily.
There are two common ways to pronounce BMW – either “bee-em-dub” or “bee-em-vee.” The former is more common in the US, while the latter is more common in the UK and other parts of Europe. However, both are acceptable ways to refer to the German car manufacturer
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