Youngbliss The rapper posted
Did you know that the world’s smallest violin is only 3.5 millimeters long? It was created by researchers at the Leiden University in the Netherlands, and it can actually play music! It’s not the easiest instrument to play, though – it requires a very steady hand and a lot of patience. The violin has just two strings, which are thinner than a…Read More
Umeh Anthony posted
So squirrel do help to save the ecosystem ❤️👌
Umeh Anthony posted
Another studying tip🥲But I don’t like chewing gum nah😂
Umeh Anthony posted
Omooh 🤕
Gracy EmetGreen posted
Marie Curie lived her life awash in ionizing radiation. Her papers, her furniture, even her cookbooks are still radioactive. Those who wish to open the lead-lined boxes containing her manuscripts must do so in protective clothing, and only after signing a waiver of liability.
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