1.. Don’t be carried away by her Profile Picture, check her NIN pic, that’s her real face🤣
2.. People Wey Use Because of 504 Do Rītual In 1989 No Live to See VENZA😂😂😂
3. 😒
_/ _
This is hw a bād wife stand when she says to her husband, if you know that you are a man come and bēāt me today😂😂4..” Støp Giving Ur Children Bible Name…Read More
Mom said alcohol 🍻 is my enemy 🥺
Jesus said love your enemies 😂😉
Case closed 🔐💯😎 -
I decided to spend my Easter holiday in my uncle’s house, thinking he’s a nice person because he promised to treat me well and even make sure I go back with 100k😋, omo this country is too hard to miss that kind of money, so yesterday evening my uncle came back from work very āngry 😠, he started shouting my name ; Emma ! E…Read More
1. They can talk and chat openly even crack jokes with you on social media but in real life they are ice😩
2. They fit pass you for road and no go do like sey dem see you. They can stay indoors for weeks without minding🤦♀️
3. Very calculative, clingy, little touch of hot temper, romantic with the one they love.…Read More
The fact that you’re always alone in the toilet is enough reason that you’ll be alone when shit goes down in your life 📌🤏
Laugh away your sørrøw 🤗😂
1. A Márried Man carried His Síde chíck to Hótel, and said
“Báby tell me something that will íncrease My heartbéat”, She replied ” Your wífe is sitting At our Báck “😂😂😂2)Who else Noticed that Sécond Roúnd used to làst lónger and toúgher than First róund, but at the End, very sweét😋;
That’s Why I can…Read More
Patient: obesity runs in our family
Doctor : nobody runs in your familyPatient : ??Doctor: 🙄🙄🤐4 Comments - Load More Posts
Hmmmmm…. This got me thinking