In this age where people are conditioned to look ‘perfect’, have the courage to be yourself; to be real and not fake things about yourself just to fit into an image. Be authentic, be sincere and the Almighty will open doors for you which you never imagined before. *_Pay Attention to the Details_*
Credit: Sunnah Revival
There are many out there who act like they are experts in the lives of others. The ones trying to throw stones at other people are not perfect. In fact, it is said that only those who have to hide bad things throw mud at others, to turn the attention away from themselves. May Almighty continue to protect and guide us from internal and external…Read More
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The Almighty puts different people in our lives for different reasons. No one is there by accident. Learn to identify the people He has placed in your life and be sensitive to the purpose they serve. Some won’t be there forever. There is a time, place and purpose for everything. Just try to ensure you use of the opportunity each and everyone b…Read More
Take the spite out of your heart. Purify it. Your heart is a small organ. When you fill it with hatred for someone, you’re preventing it from being filled with the love of the Almighty. Always ask Him to protect us from hearts that are consumed by hatred, envy, pride, jealousy. *_Pay Attention to the Details_*
Credit: Sunnah Revival
Life’s about sacrifice. It’s about making choices. You can’t have it all. But when you know you’re doing it for the sake of your Creator, it becomes more meaningful. Surely His rewards are the best rewards we should be seeking always so that we can have the best in life. *_Pay Attention to the Details_*Credit: Sunnah Revival
Llife’s challenges come in all shapes & sizes. Your journey is yours alone. It’s unique to you. Don’t expect anything from anyone. If you want something done well, do it yourself. Trust the Almighty who’s keeping watch over you. Wherever life takes you, it’s part of His Plan, trust Him and His divine Blessing shall locate you. *_Pay attention…Read More
For a calm and more peaceful life, quit listening to gossip and learn to ignore what others are saying about you, it will only draws you back if pondering about it. Look for the good in everything. Learn to be positive and spread goodness. Always remember to be grateful for your life. And let the Almighty handle everything else. *_Pay Attention to…Read More
It’s important to keep an inner sense of calm. When dark stormy clouds of doubt, anger & worry start creeping in, always remind yourself that nothing lasts. Every storm shall pass. The Almighty is testing you and will continue to do so until you lay your trust in Him and with that, He shall bless you beyond your imagination at last. *_Pay A…Read More
Don’t be foolish and start comparing yourself with others. It will rob you of your inner peace and you’ll find yourself heading down the slippery road of envy and jealousy. The truth is you’re unique. The Almighty created you to do things that no one else was created to do. Appreciate your Creator’s work by been proud of who you are. *_Pay Atten…Read More
Even the greatest of deeds can be of no benefit if the hearts are sick; if the hearts are corrupt; if the hearts are laced with envy, pride, jealousy, hatred etc. So pay close attention to the state of your heart because everything you do flows from it. *_Pay Attention to the Details_*
Credit: Sunnah Revival1 Comment - Load More Posts
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Susan Eke
Miracle Onyekachi
Blessing Igwe
Tomukwu Odenigbo
Thanks for the advice Sir 🙌✅