*If you’re looking for a Truly Confused Country… then you have one in Nigeria*. *UPDATES!!!* *36 States, 48 Ministers**41 of 48 Ministers have Corruption Cases.**9 of 11 Governors who Lost Elections are now Ministers.**Out of the Outgone Governors, one was caught openly collecting Bribes on Cameras and he is currently the Ruling Party’s Chairman.**48 Ministers**192 Brand New Cars (4 per Minister)**720 Aides (15 per Minister)**240 Security Personnel (5 per Minister)**And we want to Reduce Cost of Governance.**What is Democratic about this (Dis) order????**In Comparative News, the United States of America, the 4th Richest Nation in the World has just 15 Secretaries (Equivalent of Ministers)**The Giant in Africa is Ironically Surfacing again.*we need to change this narrative for a better Nigeria*In Addition to all these, the Head of the Anti-Corruption Agency is in Jail while those he is supposed to Investigate and Prosecute are Appointed Ministers.**What a Country! May God Save Nigeria.*
Yah's Own Records
Duke Hapzard
Mattaniah (NiYah) .
Ashley Rose
Susan Eke